Stakeholder Engagement
The Company strives to establish an effective stakeholder interaction system based on respect and mutually beneficial cooperation.
The Company defines a complete list of stakeholders with whom it interacts in the course of its activities, describing the contribution of stakeholders and their interests. When assessing the importance of stakeholders, stakeholders are ranked according to their importance to the Company by two factors: the strength of the interested party's influence on the Company and the degree of interest of the stakeholder in the Company's activities.
Stakeholders (stakeholders) of the Company are buyers and tenants of the Company's residential premises, the Company's employees, the Sole Shareholder and the Board of Directors, subsidiaries and affiliates, general contractors and developers, customers, local executive bodies and government agencies, financial institutions, the media and users of social networks.
The principles, mechanisms and procedures for interaction with stakeholders are formulated by the Code of Conduct, the Sustainable Development Policy and the Stakeholder Map.